IRSS & IDSS Support

Support for Indian Residential School Students, Indian Day School Students, and family of former students. 

Mental Health Support

This information is taken from the First Nations Health Authority Website September 2022.

Indian Day Schools ​Hea​​​lth Support Services 

The Indian Day School Health Support Services (IDS HSS) is a national program administered in BC through Health Benefits. Services are available for former students, or family members of a former student, who attended an Indian Day School. First Nations and non-First Nations individuals may be eligible for the program.

Indian Residential Schools Reso​lution H​​ealth Support Program

The Indian Residential School Resolution Health Support Program (IRS RHSP) is a national program administered in BC through Health Benefits. Services are available for former students, or family members of a former student, who attended a residential school listed in the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. First Nations and non-First Nations individuals may be eligible for the program.

Missing and Murdered Ind​ig​​enous Women and Girls Health Support Services

The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Health Support Services (MMIWG HSS) is a national program administered in BC through Health Benefits. Services are available for survivors, family members and others affected by the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada. First Nations and non-First Nations individuals may be eligible for the program.​

Full details here.

A map of mental health providers covered by benefits through the First Nations Health Authority. Full map.